Considering that millions of people around the world suffer from hair loss, it is not surprising that many turn to natural hair loss treatments to help them find relief. After all, most would prefer to avoid going under the knife to help treat their hair loss, and natural hair loss treatments have the added benefits of being inexpensive and, in most cases, completely painless. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority have little to no effect when it comes to reducing or halting hair loss problems. Here, we’ll look at some of the myths about natural hair loss remedies, to help separate fact from fiction.
Onion Juice
Some people claim that onion juice, while repugnant, can help treat hair loss. Studies conducted on onion juice and hair loss have been mixed, however. For instance, a study conducted at the University of Tasmania found onion juice to be only mildly effective in treating hair loss in half of the 500 subjects who participated in the study. It should also be noted that the 500 subjects who participated in the study did not suffer from male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Instead, all participants suffered from alopecia areata instead.
Cinnamon and Honey
Another popular natural hair loss treatment that dates back to ancient times is combining cinnamon with honey. According to folklore, a potent honey/cinnamon concoction will lead to a fuller set of hair. However, studies have shown that while cinnamon will temporarily stimulate the scalp-due to its spicy properties-it will not actually lead to follicular re-genesis, nor will it reverse the hair loss process.
Natural Hair Loss Supplements

supplements to regrow hair
Those suffering from hair fall that is based on genetic inheritance may also want to avoid taking natural hair loss supplements. Many contain biotin, which has shown promise in the treatment of hair loss. However, biotin, which is also known as vitamin B7, can be found in dairy products as well as many leafy veggies. Vitamins such as B7 and E, while boasting many health and immunological properties, are only mildly effective in reducing hair loss in people who suffer from hair loss brought on by genetic mutations or hormonal disorders.
Seaweed & Algae
Finally, some “experts” claim that algae and seaweed have many hair growth properties. However, this is one natural hair loss treatment that doesn’t have any scientific evidence to back it up. In other words, jumping into the ocean and covering your scalp with seaweed will not lead to newfound hair growth.
Consulting Your Doctor
If you are interested in natural hair loss remedies then please speak to your health care provider. They will be able to assess your unique hair loss condition, as well as your skin and hair type. Age, gender, and even ethnicity may factor into the cause of your hair loss issues, and your doctor may prescribe a targeted natural hair loss treatment, or may recommend certain creams, ointments, pills, and/or hair grafting procedures.
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