Myths About Hair Growth

iStock_000043827716Small-300x199Earlier we made a blog post about the biggest myths about hair loss. That got us thinking…what are the myths about hair growth? Surely there are some. Have you heard the one about how standing on your head will make your hair grow faster? That would be funny to see. So, we decided to see what we could find, and you may be surprised at what we learned.

Trimming Your Hair Will Make it Grow Faster

Wrong! Trimming your hair won’t make it grow faster, that’s just silly. Hair is decaying flesh, cutting off the decay isn’t going to make a difference. The only thing trimming your hair is good for is keeping it healthy and maintaining appearances.

You Need to Change Your Shampoos Often

People adapt, it’s true. If you go to the gym and start working out, you’re going to be sore for the next few days. After a few weeks, you’re used to it. The same isn’t true for your hair though. Using the same shampoos over and over will continue to treat your hair the way they’re designed to. The only time you will need to change your shampoo is if your hair has recently been damaged and requires moisture.

Cold Water Makes Your Hair Shiny

You can’t really believe that can you? Your hair is dead, remember? You can’t make it shine with cold water. The only way to improve your hair is to directly treat the hair follicles and the scalp. However, you can damage your hair with high heat, such as blow drying often, straighteners, and constant hair coloring treatments.

100 Brushes a Day

No, brushing your hair often will not cause it to grow faster. It won’t stimulate your scalp and hair follicles, and give them a wakeup call. If anything, constant brushing of the hair can lead to damage, especially if you’re using a brush with harsh or sharp bristles. It is good to brush your hair before you sleep, to get rid of tangles and knots, but don’t force it. If you get stuck, use your fingers to work through this mess, or you’ll risk some wear and tear.

Shampoo Less Often for Less Oily Hair

This myth doesn’t make any sense. One of the main reasons people shampoo is to clean their hair and scalp. If you shampoo less, your hair and scalp is bound to get oilier. You can’t change your genetics with shampoo, so shampooing less will not stop oil production from the scalp. Have you ever gone without a shower for several days? By the 3rd or 5th day, your hair can be so oily, you can style it as if you were using hair gel.

Don’t Go Plucking Grey Hairs

Human hair starts to grey mostly due to genetics. Like a clock alarm going off, sooner or later our hair pigment starts to fade and we go grey. Plucking a grey hair to get rid of it because it’s “unsightly” isn’t going to cause more to spring up. However, plucking hairs irritates the follicle and those surrounding it, which can lead to unhealthy hair growth.

You Can Fix Split Ends

Oh how shampoo commercials love to pull this one. Nothing, and we mean nothing can fix a split end. No product, no tool, except for maybe glue, will fuse split ends back together. Once a hair splits, it’s a goner. The only way to fix a split end is to cut it off.

Stress Causes Grey Hair

This is actually a myth we all like. It’s funny to think someone could get so scared that their hair turns grey. That isn’t true. However, stress can have a physiological effect on the human body and mind. It is believed stress raises hydrogen peroxide levels in the hair follicles which leads to bleaching of the hair. We’re not sure how true that is, but either way, grey hairs still come down to genetics.

Comb Your Hair from Top to Bottom

This makes logical sense right? Start near the roots and work your way down. This isn’t a good idea though. Think of it like trying to undo a knot at its base—Impossible. The best way to undo a knot is to pull on the ends of it. Same thing with your hair. Start brushing from the ends and work your way up. This way, you will avoid breakage (especially if it’s wet), and you won’t put so much strain on your hair. If your hair is tangled or knotty, brushing your hair from the bottom up will fix them easier.

Hair Texture is the Same Forever

This one is such bull. The hair may be dead, but it isn’t stone. Many things can change the texture of your hair, such as medication, disease, hormones, etc. Hair styling treatments can also do a number on hair. Ever see someone who was naturally curly go through a couple of hair straightening treatments? Even when the treatment fades, their hair isn’t as curly as it was before.

Were you surprised to find out some of these favorite myths weren’t true? Let us know in the comments below!

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